Relationship Support

Do you find you can be in the same room with your partner but feel completely ALONE and unloved? Maybe you are walking on eggshells in your own home, longing for your partner to express their love and appreciate you. Has the honesty and sacredness fallen victim to the daily grind? You may want to feel the love you previously felt together, but are unsure if this is possible. Is the spark, the magic, the playfulness gone forever? Can it ever come back?

In your darkest moments, you may feel so alone you feel justified in wanting to cheat, or having already cheated. Part of you may want to leave but another part feels obligated to stay. Your life may feel gripped by confusion and competing desires.


Relationship Support

Do you feel taken advantage of by your significant other? You may be the person in your home taking care of EVERYTHING while your partner doesn’t seemingly lift a finger. This leaves you resentful, fuming or grief stricken. Maybe you silently continue the charade. Maybe you retaliate by forgoing sexual intimacy, avoiding time together, or leading two separate lives. You don’t feel comfortable bringing your feelings to your partner, maybe venting to friends and family who give advice but don’t REALLY understand. Or worse, maybe the advice from family and friends causes further harm to your relationship.

Intimacy doesn’t often happen on a first date. Likewise, it takes time to rekindle the intimacy in your relationship. No one can make your partner care about you, but if they do, I can give them the tools to express it more fully AND I can teach you to elicit their love and get what you need. Sacredness can be rebuilt in your relationship with effort.

“Your insights & questions made us (my husband and I) both realize what is working for us, how much we had been missing one another & most helpful of all, how to better interpret & understand what each other is going through without blaming myself or (husband’s name) -How refreshing! Thank you Steve! The practices you gave us will continue to help + we can always come back to you when needed. That puts confidence back our marriage! P.S. Empathic Imagination = Priceless!”

~ Therapy Client

The poet Rumi beautifully explains a step in couples counselling, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I will meet you there.” Partners cultivating this field nurture the type of love ALL humans seek. Turning Towards Essence Counselling provides guidance within a secure space for partners to open to one another, build intimacy and create the sacred relationship they desire.

Couples counselling and relationship suppoort is not only for “traditional” relationships. Partners learning to co-parent, people engaged in an open relationship, or even couples wanting to amicably end their relationship are supported through this work.


Couples Counselling $150/ 50 minute session (GST included).

Sessions available in person or via video conferencing.

“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.”

~ Rumi

A larger life awaits.

Please contact me at (604) 791-2574 or at to discuss your particular needs.